Central Service Conduct Rules Revised
The complaints from the aggrieved women will be taken seriously. The management shall respond promptly and where it is found that an inappropriate conduct has occurred, it will take corrective action strictly according to the law that might range from warnings to termination as appropriate.
As laid down in sec (19) of the Act, the employer has the following duties:
It has been proven beyond doubt that " Happy people are more successful - at workplace and at home".
We, at Corporate-Ethos, strongly believe in the doctrine and focus on various Human Resource interventions designed to enhance the "happiness quotient" at your workplace, with an ultimate objective of building motivated teams that are aligned to your organization`s mission and help you in achieving your goals.
A happy workplace takes only a few simple but thoughtful actions to take your organization to the next orbit earning you a lifetime of loyalty - just as we aim to earn from you. These thoughtful actions can lead to dramatically improved results that will make you want your workplace also to be a happy one.
Considering that soft skills take longer to show results, we will work in tandem over a well thought-out timeline to provide continuous support to the team.
We also practice what we preach. Our own happy team comprises professionals who are technically sound and bring a wealth of experience with them.